Academic Planner
The session 2024-25 is now underway. It is natural for any organization with avowed objective to improve quality in all spheres of its services to critically examine the status quo, ascertain its constraints, embrace targets, make workable plans, form synergistic terms at various levels, faithfully implements action plan, evaluate intermittently for any course corrections and draw over all lessons to build further future programmes. As academic leader of our Vidyalaya , I am sure we must have done the same for the session and shared with our team down the lines. However, I deem it appropriate to delineate following thrust areas for your appreciation and dissemination down the line.
- Monitoring of NIPUN:- Ministry of Education through its National Initiative for proficiency in Reading with understanding and numeracy(NIPUN) has set and achievable target to assure and ensure foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN).Kendriya Vidyalaya is envisioned to provide a template for other school systems- an honour and a challenge for all working for and in KVS. The KVS(HQ) shall carry forward Oral Reading Fluency(ORF) in other classes in all schools the details of which shall be shared subsequently. All children should and must acquire reading fluency with understanding and basic numeracy skills. Pedagogy must be aligned with the target and all teachers must exhibit unequivocal commitment towards it. Class room teaching has to be based on Learning Outcomes(LO) delineated for each class in each subject, which in turn must be on conspicuous display in classes on either flank of the writing board.
- Competency Based Learning Achievement Test(LAT):- Competency based learning achievement test (LAT) will also conducted for classes III,V and VIII aligned with the learning outcomes of classes II, IV and VII respectively in each of the terms. Schools must gear up for the activity which will provide more light to the areas that need specific attention in days ahead. The first LAT will be conducted in the last week of the April 2024 and the question paper will be supplied by the KVS(HQ). Subsequently, the test would continue by end of each term for all the subjects.
- National Education Policy 2020:- NEP 2020 has laid emphasis on multiple pedagogies as children, diverse as they are,seek to learn differently. Therefore, the traditional “Chalk and Talk”may not be equally effective for all, hence the imperative for multiple pedagogies. The crux is that children must be actively engaged in preference to passive listening. Illustration and storytelling method is very effective even for adult learning leave alone for children who tend to give rapt attention while listening to stories. Deputy Commissioners/Assistant Commissioners/ Principals/Vice-Principals/ HMs should be aware of the changes being brought by CBSE and NCERT in alignment to NEP 2020, NCF-FS 2022, NCF-SE 2023 and periodic sharing should happen in schools with teachers, students and parents.
- Adoption of multiple pedagogies:-KVs need to showcase various facets of NEP with child centric education. There is going to further strengthening of schools both in terms of infrastructure and teaching training and students activities. There is a great potential to integrate seamlessly multiple pedagogies in the classrooms. Teachers have to be creative, imaginative and forthcoming to make that happen in the class.
- Grooming of New Teachers:- Many young professionals have embraced teaching last year by joining in KVS. These teachers need to be groomed in following years by Principals, ACs and DC. They have to realize that teaching is a calling and they have an obligation to keep students interest over their own. Many induction programmes will be schedule to be conducted for the new entrants the details of which will follow.
- Remedial learning for all classes to achieve learning outcomes:-As an academic institution we have to learn to keep academics ahead of other priorities. Teachers must be principally engaged in academic activities and non academic engagements must be kept at bare minimum, or delegates to allied staff employed on regular or contract basis. Remedial measures on need basis must start from the beginning itself from class I onwards, not restricted to classes X and XII only and to be continued as a need based measure. Class supervision by Principals, Vice Principals and Head Masters/Mistresses must be carried out systematically at such frequencies as already described previously in online format already in vogue. Assistant Commissioners/Deputy Commissioner out to do the same using school’s login ID. This massive exercise, if done diligently, will create a credible data base nationally giving us irrefutable evidence of teachers day-to-be performances, facilitating in the objective reporting of APAR of teachers.
- Flawless updating and submission of data:- In recent pas KVS had a challenge to justify the data filled by ROs/Schools due to certain flawed information filled up by schools in different portals connected with CBSE, UDISE+ in particular. This happened due to inadvertent filling of flawed information by a few Vidyalayas. Attention needs to be given while submitting any kind of data/information. Proper verification and monitoring at Reginal Office is required at regular interval.
- Sports and Games:- The KVS has fixed a target to achieve 100 medals in SGFI tournaments in this session. Sports activities are integral part of schooling and NEP 2020 advocates sports as pedagogy. To achieve the target, all schools have to inculcate in each student an abiding habit of playing at least one game every day for at least half and hour. Joy, fitness, discipline and synergy can be achieved spontaneously through sports and games.
- Selection and Participation in Flagship programmes:- You are aware that the KVS conducts a few flagship programmes every year at school, regional and national levels. Each such activity aims to build in students storing learning and values. Therefore, participation ought not to be just for the sake of participation. Selection at various level should be apparently and actually be faire and transparent.
- Learning Ecosystem:- Each KV campus must cater to create a vibrant leaning ecosystem with school as its fulcrum but its reach and impact transcending its physical boundary.
- Integration of Skill Education:- As informed in the last academic year, the effort of integrating skill education within the academic transaction is the need of the hour. The services of TGT(AE), TGT(WE), PRT(Music), along with others can be used for this purpose. CBSE circulars can be referred in this regard.
Committees for the session 2024-25
Academic planner(PDF Size 4 MB)