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- All assessment policy should be clearly distributed to teachers
- Notebook evaluation record, subject enrichment activities, MDP, Learner’ s diary should be submitted in time.
- All evidence of assessment should be present in exam.
- All mark slips should be prepared in duplicate by teachers , one mark slip should be deposited in exam and one to the class teacher.
- Subject teacher must maintain marks of all the tests in teacher’s diary and initials of examination in charge should be present in the teacher’s diary.
- Syllabus of classes, TLO, exam schedule should be prepared well in the beginning of the session and should be distributed to the class teachers.
Assessment schedule and exam schedule should be pasted in exam room as well as in student’s notebook( class teachers will ensure it .
- Question paper prepared by teacher should be well formatted and according to the syllabus.
- In no case question paper received from somewhere else should be submitted for the exam
- CCT Type questions must be present in the question paper as described by CBSE